Boston Black Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate 750ml
Boston Black is 750ml of pre-brewed, bottled cold-brew coffee.
Inside each bottle is 18 serves of specialty cold brew coffee. Perfect for making an quick iced coffee, refreshing cold brew on-the-go, or an easy Espresso Martini.
Boston Black is brewed with specialty-grade Rosso coffee here in Melbourne. We've perfected our 48-hour cold brew immersion to extract the best-tasting coffee, without bitterness or astringency.
Looking for more inspiration of how to use Boston Black? Head to our article for 7 Ways to Use Boston Black Cold Brew Concentrate on our Articles and Recipes section of the site.
Customer Reviews
supercharge your mornings
We've made the coffee for you. No espresso machine required.
Just pour and go. Convenience without compromise.
Boston Black recipes
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